Wednesday, April 15th

Back Squat 5x5x5x5x5 reps

Post weight to comments
Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston, SC

Also, work on your kipping pullups. If you have mastered the kip, practice butterfly pullups.

Below are the scores from yesterday's Fight Gone Bad. Great job everyone! Get ready to do it again in 10 days at our Grand Opening.


  1. Be sure to participate during strength days like today. If you neglect strength days, you will not reach your full potential nor will you increase your work load across modal domains!

  2. what's a back squat? i have to decide if i want to come....

  3. Evaline: I had to work on form. This was my first time doing a back squat. Much harder then it looks. The deep squat cut my usual "gym" weight tremendously. Can't wait for the next strength day!

  4. This was my 2nd "Official" workout with Crossfit and it was definitely worth it. The coaches are very attentitive if you're not confident on form or structures. It accomodates people like me who don't necessarily have the strength b/c each platform has different sizes of weights.

  5. brooke is a badass!!!
