Friday, June 5th

50 day burpee challenge: Day 4
Complete 4 burpees today and make up for any missed days


For time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 airsquats

This is one of the most common of the benchmark WODs. Go hard and fast throughout. All reps are to be done in order. Move to the next movement after 100 reps are completed for the previous movement.

Make sure to post time to comments
Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston, SC


  1. Mommy?

    Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston SC

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am going to be soooo sore this weekend! Brian, was this your idea? If so, you are evil! :-)

  4. Evaline: 14:52 Pullups first, 50 blue band, last 50 green band. Thanks for the push Kevin! Have fun this weekend!

  5. Justin S.
    19:57-did 25 reg pullup and then had to go to the bands

  6. 18:52 (JPU)
    My arm is on the verge of falling off after Tuesday's destructive Burpee session.

    Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston SC

  7. 27:00...need to learn how to do the kipping pullups...dead-hang suck! Brooke thanks for whooping my ass! =-)

    Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston SC

  8. Well I obviously have alot of work to do. 28:30 or so and my handsw probably won't heal for about a week or so. Never thought I say this but the squats were the easiest thing on this WOD. I must be delirious. Thanks to everyone for the encouragment.

    Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston, SC

  9. Great job everyone... tough metcon WOD... 19:41 Rx..

  10. I would have kicked everyones butt today if i wasn't at mcdonalds.. supersize this!!

  11. 29:?? My shoulders are dead.

    Lowcountry Crossfit West Ashley, Charleston, SC

  12. 24:55 Rx. Kipping practice pays off. Now its time to work on the sit ups.

  13. Brooke: 21:40 as Rx
